As already stated in y project plan and proposal, I've decided to use RPG maker MV to realize and produce a an interactive narrative for this semester's assignment. I will however, go a little more in depth as to why I picked this software over so many others. Here's a breakdown;
1. RPG maker requires little coding skills and is meant to test the users ability to express their creativity through narrative which is fits what the brief is asking for. As I'm weak in coding and I do not want to waste time learning about something that could possibly destroy my motivation, I had to pic a software that still tests my technical skills,(in this case, eventing and scripting) while also allowing me complete freedom in determining the outcome of my narratives.
2. Very importantly, RPG Maker suits the style of the narrative I was planning to deliver, which is set in a fantasy based world anyways and RPG maker fills that blank space just fine.
3. While not heavy on technical terms and not requiring much knowledge on coding to understand, RPG maker can STILL be a challenge especially since I have 0 experience in using it. And since the
focus of the assignment is the deliverance of the narrative ITSELF, I decided that obviously, I have to invest my time into making an interesting narrative with a good premise and relatable events and/or characters. This holds utmost importance in my development of this project.
4. And finally, It's because RPG maker was BUILT and MEANT for bringing narratives to life. Games, visual novels, web comics, all these and more can be achieved on RPG Maker and this fits perfectly with my intent.
I've already started playing around with RPG Maker even before I completed the proposal and I must say, this is one program I'll actually ENJOY learning.
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